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The Ultimate Guide To Dental Implants

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Dental Implants

Many of the problems that people have with their teeth and smile can be solved with dental implants. In most cases, dental implants are the most durable and low-maintenance solution for replacing missing teeth.

 However, as with any surgical procedure, patients typically have a slew of questions before the procedure. At Ekiz Dental Clinic, we strive to make the dental implant procedure as simple and comfortable for our patients as possible.

Diş İmplantları NEDİR

To learn everything there is to know about dental implants, continue reading the Ekiz Dental Clinic Guide to Dental Implants.
Before we get into the specifics of dental implants, let’s define them.

Implants are tooth roots that are replaced. They serve as a solid foundation for either permanent or removable replacement teeth.
They are made to look like your natural teeth.
They are the most durable missing tooth replacement options on the market, allowing your teeth to look, feel, and function naturally.

The demand for implants is increasing, owing in part to increased public awareness of the procedure and its high success rate.

Who ıs A Good Candidate For Dental Implants?

Dental implants may be the right solution for you if you have lost a tooth or teeth due to injury, disease, or decay. Implants are also an option for people who have difficulty wearing dentures or want to avoid the problems that can arise from them.

You must have healthy gums and enough bone to support the implant to be a good candidate for dental implants. You must also be committed to maintaining good oral hygiene and visiting your dentist for checkups and cleanings on a regular basis.

Why You Should Get Dental Implants

There are three primary tooth replacement options:

  • Implantable dental device
  • Fixed dental bridge anchored to neighboring teeth
  • Removable dental appliance, also known as a partial or full denture

Dentures are the least desirable option for replacing teeth because having a removable appliance in your mouth can be inconvenient. Dentures can also have an impact on your sensory experience and taste with food.

Prior to the popularity of dental implants, bridges were the more common option for tooth restoration. However, bridgework is dependent on the support of your natural teeth. Dental implants only require bone for support and have no effect on your natural teeth.

You may be wondering, “Why should I get dental implants?” at this point. A variety of factors influence your decision, including:

Your well-being: The quality and quantity of your jawbone where the dentist would place an implant, as well as the location of your missing teeth or teeth, can all influence the best option for you.
The cost is: Implants will most likely be more expensive up front, but they will not need to be replaced as frequently as bridges or dentures.
Your personal choice: Dentists use dental implants to replace one or more teeth, or even all of them in some cases. The goal of tooth replacement is to restore function while also improving aesthetics. Furthermore, not replacing missing teeth can be harmful.

Dental implants are a conservative option because they can replace missing teeth without altering or affecting your adjacent teeth. Furthermore, because they integrate into your bone structure, they are extremely stable and feel and look exactly like your natural teeth.

The Different Types Of Dental Implants

1. Regular Dental Implants

Implant in One Day (Immediate): For this process, bone height, thickness and quality, as well as the presence of any infection in the jawbone and teeth, and the general health status of our patients are evaluated in detail, and it has become possible to install implants and temporary teeth within a day for those who meet these criteria.

In patients who do not meet the necessary criteria, Implant in One Day applications are not suitable and for these reasons, your doctor’s evaluation, correct treatment planning and patient compliance are very important in these implant applications.

For this reason, your doctor’s assessment, correct treatment planning and patient compliance are very important in these complex treatments.

Fast & Fixed: Fast & Fixed method, one of the most up-to-date treatments, is a concept based on immediate implant placement in the toothless jaw.

In the Fast & Fixed treatment concept, it is possible to place implants and temporary teeth on the same day instead of the teeth that need to be extracted or extracted, and patients can leave our clinic without any aesthetic problems.

In cases where there is bone deficiency in the posterior regions, it has become possible to place implants on the day the teeth are extracted without the need for additional advanced surgeries by using Fast&Fixed technique and angular implants (all on four) (all on six) methods, and in patients with complete edentulousness,implants are made and prostheses are made on the same day.

2. All on 4 / All on 6 Implants:

It is a surgical concept that allows us to apply a fixed prosthesis instead of removable prostheses (palate) to our patients in terms of aesthetics and function by applying 4 or 6 angled implants in cases where the bone level is insufficient in the posterior part of our jaws.

Jaw surgeons apply 4 or 6 implants for a single jaw depending on the bone level and wait for the implants to fuse with the bone. In this process, a temporary prosthesis is made for the patient so that the patient does not lose his/her chewing and speaking function and the patient is ensured to spend this process comfortably. At the end of this process, permanent prosthesis construction begins. The entire treatment is completed in 3-4 months.

If you have no teeth in your mouth because you have lost all your teeth and there is a lot of bone resorption in your jawbone, the ideal treatment method for you to use fixed teeth may be All on Four and All on Six Implant Treatment. With this treatment, very special 4 or 6 implants can be placed in the jawbone at various angles and the person can have fixed teeth.

The Difference between All on 4 and Regular Implant System

In All on Four or All on Six systems, implants are placed in the jaw at various angles. The angled implants placed in your jaw receive support from much more bone and can functionally distribute the load that 6 to 8 implants can carry with only four implants. The implants placed with the All on Four and All on Six concept are designed by maxillofacial surgeons with advanced surgical training and placed in the jawbone at the most ideal angle and position.

How is All on four and All on Six Implant Treatment Applied?

After the implants are placed in the jaw, the designed temporary teeth are prepared on the same day. During the waiting period of 3 to 6 months, your oral health, function and aesthetics are protected with these temporary teeth. After this process. Since hybrid porcelains are used in All on Four and All on Six systems, maximum aesthetic results can be achieved as both lip and soft tissue support is provided.

All on four and all on six treatments are one of the most aesthetic treatment alternatives for patients who do not want to use removable palates (total dentures).

What Is The Difference Between All On 4 And All On 6?

One of the primary considerations in the planning of implants placed in the jawbone is the evaluation of the distribution of chewing forces on the implants.

After your doctor makes this evaluation according to the quality and density of your jawbone, the treatment option that will be the most successful in the long term is determined by your doctor by planning an all on six or all on four implant concept in the area where the implant is planned.

Hybrid prosthesis applied with aesthetic porcelain teeth are placed on these implants.

Are Dental Implants Painful?

You should feel no pain as an incision is made into the gums and the implants are placed into the jawbone, thanks to the local anesthetic we use during dental implant procedures. The most you may feel during your dental implant procedure is pressure in the area where the root is being implanted.

How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

The dental implant screws themselves can last a lifetime with regular brushing, flossing, and biannual dentist visits. These are surgical implants that are designed to be as long-lasting as possible and to integrate with the jawbone. 

Furthermore, with the same level of care, dental crowns can last up to 20 years. After this time, the crown, like standard veneers, may need to be replaced due to general wear and tear.

How Long After Dental Implants Can I Eat Normally?

It only takes about a week for dental implants to heal sufficiently for patients to resume their normal diet. Your dentist will determine whether or not you can resume your normal diet, so make sure to keep all of your follow-up appointments to ensure that the dental implants have healed properly. Return to a normal diet only after your dentist has given you the all-clear.

Choose Ekiz Dental Clinic Turkey For Dental Implants

Here at Ekiz Dental Clinic Turkey our dentists are well experienced performing life-changing implant procedures for our patients. Contact us for free consultation today and book your 1st appointment with us for an improved self-confidence and smile.




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