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How Often Should We Change the Toothbrush?

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How Often Should We
Change Toothbrushes?

A toothbrush is an item that is part of everyone’s daily oral care routine. Using this item for a long time without replacement can adversely affect oral health. For this reason, it is very important to change toothbrushes regularly. In our article, we will talk about important points about oral and dental health and how often you should change your toothbrush.

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How Should Oral and Dental
Hygiene be Done?

It may seem that brushing your teeth is the only way to clean your mouth and teeth. But brushing your teeth is only a small part of oral hygiene. There are a few routine cleanings that everyone should do regularly to maintain healthy oral hygiene.

The first of these cleanings is flossing. Brushing can only clean the three surfaces of the teeth: front, top and back. But there are two other surfaces of the teeth, the left and right. It is not possible to clean these surfaces with a brush. For this reason, it is absolutely necessary to floss once a day.

You can choose from nylon, roll or toothpick floss types, whichever is most comfortable for you. Remember that it is quite normal to experience bleeding gums at first while flossing. When you start flossing regularly, this bleeding will decrease and eventually stop completely.

Another important step in oral hygiene is cleaning the tongue. Many problems such as bad breath are caused by improper tongue hygiene. Even if you perform all other oral hygiene steps regularly, it is not possible to maintain your oral hygiene if you do not clean your tongue.

The first step in cleaning the tongue is to brush it. You can use a tongue paste for this step. After brushing your tongue thoroughly, you should scrape the bacteria and paste off your tongue with the help of a tongue scraper. If you are cleaning your tongue for the first time, you may notice that your tongue is different colors before and after cleaning. This is because bacteria and dirt become a layer on your tongue.

Why is it Important to Pay Attention to Oral Hygiene?

Paying attention to oral and dental health prevents tooth decay. Preventing the formation of plaque and bacteria on the teeth becomes possible with regular oral care. Regular oral and dental care ensures that the teeth have a whiter and healthier appearance.

Not paying attention to oral hygiene can lead to many health problems. For example, not paying attention to dental care during pregnancy can cause some complications. Oral and dental health is thought to be associated with pneumonia, infective endocarditis and sepsis.


Frequently Asked Questions

How Often Should You Visit the Dentist?

You should visit the dentist twice a year, even if you do not have any problems.

How Often Should You Change Your Toothbrush?

The toothbrush should be replaced every three months. Prolonging this period will lead to improper oral and dental care. Because many invisible bacteria accumulate on toothbrushes.




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